Breach House, D.H. Lawrence lived here 1887-1891, Eastwood D.H. Lawrence Birthplace Museum, Eastwood D.H. Lawrence Birthplace Museum, Eastwood D.H. Lawrence Durban House Heritage Centre, Eastwood Headstone over grave of D.H. Lawrence at Vence, D.H. Lawrence Birthplace Museum, Eastwood Lawrence family home, 1891-1905, Walker Street, Eastwood Lynncroft, Eastwood Princes Street, Eastwood Sunset, Brinsley Colliery Headstocks, Eastwood Sunset, Brinsley Colliery Headstocks, Eastwood The Canyons, from Walker Street, Eastwood The Canyons, from Walker Street, Eastwood The Lady Chatterley pub, Eastwood Three Tuns, “the Moon and Stars” pub, Eastwood