HomeEnglandWells, Somerset England, Somerset, United Kingdom Cottages, Wells Cathedral Green, Wells City of Wells Almshouses, (Bubwith Almshouses) Wells City of Wells Almshouses, (Bubwith Almshouses) Wells City of Wells Almshouses, (Bubwith Almshouses) Wells St. Cuthbert's Church, Wells Wedding, St. Cuthbert's Church, Wells Wedding, St. Cuthbert's Church, Wells Bishop's Palace, Wells Bishop's Palace, Wells Bishop's Palace, Wells Moat, Bishop's Palace, Wells Moat, Bishop's Palace, Wells Moat, Bishop's Palace, Wells Bishop's Palace, Wells Bishop's Palace, Wells Bishop's Palace, Wells Path to Priest Row, from Bubwith Almshouses, Wells Priest Row, Wells Vicars' Close, Wells Vicars' Close, Wells